Does the lure of an easier path ever sway us? Even if it contradicts what we know to be true?
In the land of the Kingdom of Divine, there lived a group of loyal citizens who reverently loved their wise and benevolent King. He was known for his unwavering justice and boundless compassion. In times of prosperity, they sang praises to His name and reveled in His great mercy and kindness. However, during tumultuous times, whispers from the enemies of the realm began to try to weave doubt within the residents hearts, tempting them with promises of an easier life and fortune if they were to even slightly abandon their allegiance. The King saw this and warned through his heralds.
“Remain to what you know and remain true to what my words of wisdom show. They are quite clear and you mustn’t fear.”
But within their response was a growing uncertainty, so the King summoned some of them to his grand hall of banquets. His Son and his heralds offered wisdom cloaked in riddles.
Once such story was told.
“There was a dairy farmer who daily cultivated his land, nurturing it with gentle rains and tending to it with great care. For many seasons the fertile earth produced bountiful harvests for all his cattle and household. It filled the farmer's heart with joy. Yet, occasionally when the land yielded thorns and briers, the area would be slated for burning, for it had rejected the nurturing rain and thus been unable to be fruitful in production.
The farmer wisely knew what to do. However some neighbors who thought they knew best talked with the man with much fervor. They saw what the farmer intended to do and strongly warned him to leave well enough alone. They agreed with him that the unwanted weeds growing were of great concern. They advised to allow the briers and thorns to grow up and just pull them up by the roots and throw them away and so not to lose valuable crops.
He listened quietly to their advice but thought back to the wisdom he grew up with. In the end the man stayed true to his knowledge of properly caring for his field and had the brier and thorns burned. What the naysayers hadn’t realized was that the painful burning also destroyed the seed and roots of those thorns and briers. The next years harvest would indeed be plentiful. The seeming sacrifice of being burned would yield a bountiful harvest for many years.
“I must caution you my faithful, that the allure of an easier path, proposed by possibly an unrecognizable enemy, could be a deceptive prison disguised in a golden opportunity. Rather, hold fast to what you know well as true.
“Don’t allow those that don’t know my Son, the Prince of Peace to mislead you.” The King advised. “They are condemned because they don’t believe me or my Son.”
They offered another parable.
"In the days of yore, there was a grand orchard nestled within the kingdom. The trees were ever bountiful, bearing fruits of every kind. One day, a radiant figure appeared, luring some of the orchard's caretakers with promises of a richer harvest and an easier life elsewhere. They advised the caretakers to take it easy. They they deserve a better life than to have constantly nurture their ground. Filled with doubt, some began to stray from their duties, neglecting the orchard's care and tending to the enticing whispers of the stranger.
Yet the King, seeing this, sent forth a warning, 'Beware, my dear ones, for the sweet promises of the stranger may indeed be disguised as gold. Should you abandon the feeding of your orchard's soil, you forsake not just its fruits, but the very essence of its life itself. Stay true to what you have learned and properly care for the nurture of your soul and you will continue to bear a good crop.
The Kings Son finished his advice with these words.
“The King's word indeed is a lamp unto thy feet and a light into thy path. It is an unbreakable oath, an anchor for your souls, leading to a sanctuary where endless hope dwells. So let not the temptations of an easier path sway you from the righteous way of our beloved King, for His guidance shall lead us eternally.”
“You must understand the enemy seeks to destroy you and comes often as a bearer of light and an easier path. Do not be fooled. They are briers and thorns to your souls. The rulers and authorities and powers of this darkness and spiritual forces of evil want your destruction. So therefore you must turn from this and take no part in it.”
“Trust in the Kings words. Call upon the Holy Fire and you will receive counsel and wisdom. Do not think you can do this alone.”
However some citizens still did not believe and doubted the provision and the Kings words. They strayed and followed the easy path that led to unrighteousness. The King had warned them.
Reassuring the faithful, the King urged them again not to falter. “Hold fast to the anchor of your souls.”
And many citizens that day heard the words of yesteryear.
“For when the King made a promise to men of old, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying,
‘Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.’
And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. For men indeed swear by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is for them an end of all dispute.”
©️Donald Schuler
"I must caution you my faithful, that the allure of an easier path, proposed by possibly an unrecognizable enemy, could be a deceptive prison disguised in a golden opportunity. Rather, hold fast to what you know well as true." Briers and Thorns
"The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all." Luke 12:2 NLT
"Don't allow those that don't know my Son, the Prince of Peace to mislead you." The King advised. "They are condemned because they don't believe me or my Son." Briers and Thorns
"But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober." 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 ESV.
"And they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." Matthew 24:39 ESV
When the skies become dark, we know a storm is coming, signaling all to take notice, but who is paying attention? Many will be swept away when the rains and floods commence because they failed to heed the warning. Yes, the alarm has sounded, but most do not hear the alert of their impending peril. Come, seek the LORD and be saved, all you people of this World. Come while the LORD may be found.
"Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near." Isaiah 55:6 ESV
The skies have darkened, and the storm is coming. Listen to these words, hear the warning, and take notice!
"But everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved." Acts 2:21 NLT
Come back to the LORD, all you who have departed. Come back to the LORD now!
"And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost." Luke 15:6 ESV
"Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming." Matthew 24:42 ESV
"The LORD is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love." Ps 103:8 NLT
Praise You in This Storm